From Übermensch to Uber-man
Discover the many frightening parallels between early Italian Fascism and tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley today.
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From Übermensch to Uber-man
Discover the many frightening parallels between early Italian Fascism and tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley today.
Reimagining Academia in the Face of Urgent Global Challenges
Our system of knowledge production is increasingly dysfunctional from a societal perspective and one of the reasons might be the incentive mechanism of the academic world.
“Put on your management hat” – How framing contributes to unethical decisions
Why do good people sometimes make unethical decision? One answer to this question is that they are caught in a too narrow frame of their decision and become victims of unintentional blindness.
Lionman – The power of storytelling
The world changes, when the stories change and civilizations end, when the storyworlds they created disappear. At the beginning of the 21st century, our ecological crisis is in reality a storytelling crisis.
Double bind – the destructive power of moral ambiguity
Double-binds are one of the major driving forces of unethical decisions in organizations. People who have to meet contradictory expectations must make choices. Most of the time that doesn’t end well.